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Free Exclusive Roofing Leads from

Free Exclusive Leads

$ 0 each

  • Set your roofing materials
  • Unlimited leads
  • Never shared. 100% Exclusive.
  • Set your service area zip codes

Paid Exclusive Leads

$ 150 each

  • Priority over contractors on free plan
  • Unlimited leads
  • Never shared. 100% Exclusive.
  • 1-Click, No-Hassle lead crediting

Upgrade to our paid plan to get more exclusive roof replacement leads for the zip codes you service!

Comparison of Free Exclusive Leads vs Paid Exclusive Leads

FeaturesFree Exclusive LeadsPaid Exclusive Leads
Estimated leads/mo (peak season)5106
Priority over contractors on free plan
1-Click, No-Hassle lead crediting
Reach: 17,007,163 (Based on your Service Areas)
Real time SMS Lead Notifications
CRM Integrations
High quality, price conditioned leads
Fully TCPA Compliant with certificate
Video Recording of user experience
Every lead email is validated
Includes Roof Size and Recommended Squares
Set your roofing prices

It’s Time for a Revolution – Step Up to Instant Roofer

Are you tired of being played for a fool? Sick of the lies, the half-truths, and the worthless roofing leads that are doing nothing more than burning a hole in your pocket? It’s time for a change. It’s time to kick those second-rate lead gen companies to the curb and embrace the future of roofing leads.

Welcome to Instant Roofer – the new revolution in the roofing industry.

No more will you be on the receiving end of garbage leads. No more will you have to pacify irate homeowners who have been bombarded with calls from a horde of other contractors. And no more will you have to compete with the very companies that are supposed to be serving your interests.

Sign Up With Instant Roofer Today!

Your New Roofing Lead Company

We’re not just another lead gen company. We are a partner, a collaborator, a catalyst for your success. We believe in growing together. We’ve got your back, and we’re committed to delivering the highest quality leads that will fuel your growth, not hamper it.

So, are you ready to turn the page and step into a new era? Are you ready to join the Instant Roofer revolution? With us, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re joining a community that values integrity, quality, and mutual success.

Join Us – Fire the dud

It’s time to say goodbye to the duds and hello to a partner that won’t screw you over. Welcome to Instant Roofer – where we’re not just changing the game; we’re defining it.

Real Experiences of Instant Roofer Contractors

“We love Instant Roofer. Their team doesn’t make us chase refunds for bad leads. They just credit it no questions asked. It’s a refreshing change from what’s in the lead gen market today.”

Pete M.

“We’re still shocked that they let us use their solar roof calculator for free without any catch. It’s a an amazing difference. Customers already have a ballpark estimate by the time our sales people talk to the them. Amazing service.”

Jonathan P.

A Contractor Experience Like No Other with Instant Roofer

At Instant Roofer, we listened to the pain points of roofing contractors across the nation. The consensus? A deep-seated distaste for the traditional roofing leads business. We heard your struggles, and we committed ourselves to building a service that flips the script.

So, what sets Instant Roofer apart for contractors like you?

  • Human Connection: We are not an anonymous platform. We’re real people who understand your needs. Have questions or concerns? We’re here for you, 24/7, ready to help you over the phone or through our contact form.
  • Hassle-free Lead Credits: We understand that not every lead turns into gold. That’s why we make it easy to get credits for leads that don’t pan out. No hoops, no headaches – we keep it simple.
  • Informed Homeowners: Sticker shock from your quote? Not with us. Our homeowners already have a ballpark figure before you reach out. That means more productive conversations and less time wasted.
  • Satisfied Homeowners: We respect the homeowner’s peace of mind just as we value your business. With our Free leads, we rotate exclusive leads per client. If it’s an Exclusive lead, it’s all yours. No competition, no clutter. Homeowners appreciate the respect, and you’ll appreciate the warm reception.

Welcome to Instant Roofer, where we don’t just sell roofing leads – we cultivate relationships. And we’re ready to build one with you.

How do I get credited for a bad roof lead?

Our no-joke philosophy allows you to claim a credit on paid roofing leads, for any reason. You do this with the click of a button, no hassle, no runaround. You have 3 days from the assignment of a paid lead to claim a credit. We take into account your lead crediting rate to determine who gets more leads in the future so no one abuses this great functionality. If you suck, we cut you off. If you are great, we move mountains to help you grow. We want to build relationships with great roofing contractors across the country.

A Better homeowner experience in roofing leads

Imagine this: A homeowner in need of a new roof starts their journey with us. What they encounter is a seamless, stress-free process:

  • No spam emails cluttering their inbox.
  • No incessant robocalls disrupting their day.
  • No robotic texts piling up on their phone.
  • Only the best contractors like you. Our system weeds out fly by night 1 star contractors.
  • Simple and intuitive tools that help them get an instant estimate for their roof replacement cost, and, most importantly, find a trustworthy contractor – like you.

We don’t play the numbers game like others. To ensure quality over quantity, we strictly limit each lead to a maximum of three contractors on our Free Plan. That means fewer competitors, less noise, and a better chance for you to shine.

Welcome to Instant Roofer, where we put dignity and respect back into lead generation.

Partner with Innovation: Join the A.I. Powered Roofing Revolution

At Instant Roofer, we’re breaking ground, leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to reshape the roofing landscape. This is not just about improving experiences for homeowners but, critically, about empowering contractors. We’re inviting you to partner with us on this transformative journey.

Our state-of-the-art A.I. technology calculates precise roof dimensions within seconds. This speed and accuracy allow homeowners to access estimates instantly, fostering a transparency that sets realistic cost expectations upfront. There’s no guesswork, just the solid basis for a fair deal.

But our innovation doesn’t stop at instant estimates. Our A.I. is hard at work behind the scenes, meticulously collecting and assessing contractor reviews from across the internet. This ensures that we match homeowners with the best-rated contractors in their area. The result? Less time wasted on unqualified roofing leads and more time dedicated to delivering quality workmanship.

As a contractor partnering with Instant Roofer, you get to be part of a unique platform that showcases your expertise and promotes your services based on real, positive reviews. You’ll connect with homeowners who value your work and understand its worth, all thanks to our transparent A.I.-powered technology.

Join Instant Roofer today, and be part of an innovative, technology-driven revolution that’s taking the roofing industry by storm, turning leads into solid opportunities and fostering business growth. This is the future of roofing. This is Instant Roofer.

Dominate Your Service Area with Exclusive Leads for Roofers

In the competitive roofing industry, standing out in your service area is key. At Instant Roofer, we offer you the power to do just that with our Exclusive Leads for Roofers Program.

The principle is simple: if you choose our Exclusive Leads for Roofers, you become the sole recipient of these high-quality roofing leads in your specified service area. That means no more racing against other contractors to contact leads. Instead, you get the undivided attention of homeowners who are actively seeking your expertise.

Exclusive roofing leads offer you an unparalleled edge, setting the stage for higher conversion rates and increased profitability. They enable you to build strong customer relationships from the outset, fostering trust and loyalty that can turn first-time clients into lifelong customers.

And remember, with Instant Roofer, every lead you receive is backed by our A.I.-driven technology. Homeowners receive your estimate upfront, minimizing the chance of sticker shock and smoothing the path for productive conversations. That’s the value of our leads for roofers – they are primed and ready for your outreach.

Choose to dominate your service area with exclusive leads for roofers from Instant Roofer. Experience the benefit of being the only contractor your leads see, positioning your business as the go-to provider for roofing services in your service area. Let’s transform the way you generate leads for roofers, taking control, and allowing Instant Roofer to drive your business to new heights of success.

Not Sure? Let Us Earn Your Business

We understand the skepticism – you’ve heard the same pitches repeatedly. But at Instant Roofer, we truly offer something different. Begin with our free leads; all you need is to be a highly-rated roofing contractor in your area. Once that’s confirmed, we’ll start sending you free leads, allowing you to witness the power of our services firsthand.

Harness the Power of A.I. Technology For Free

What about our groundbreaking technology? You can access it for free, too. Simply sign up, log into your dashboard, and get hold of our free embed code. This grants you unlimited access to our cutting-edge, A.I.-powered calculator. Now you can offer instant, accurate roof estimates right from your own website, and any roofing leads generated via our software on your site belong solely to you.

Join the Revolutionary Roofing Lead Generation System

Join the ranks of hundreds of contractors nationwide already benefiting from our free roof estimate calculator. It’s not just a tool; it’s a transformative addition to your business that enhances customer experience and boosts lead conversion.

Instant Lead Syncing: Bridging Your CRM with Instant Roofer

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. We offer instant lead syncing with the CRM of your choice via Zapier, further streamlining your lead management process. Check out some of our Zapier integration templates, designed to conveniently channel your roofing leads – whether from the embed calculator or directly from Instant Roofer – to your preferred CRM.

Still have questions? Check out our frequently asked questions.

Start Getting Free Roofing Leads And Leverage Our Technology