Roof Orders Online – What Is It – How Does It Work?
What Is Roof Orders Online?
Roof Orders Online allows homeowners to place a deposit on their new roof, both on Instant Roofer and on your website.
How Does It Work?
When you enable Roof Orders Online with Instant Roofer the homeowner is presented with a new option when getting their new roof estimate. They will be able to place a deposit for their new roof via the Order Online Button.
Roof Orders Online FAQs
How Do I Enable Roof Orders Online?
Roof Orders Online requires an application to enable this product:
To apply go to Roof Orders Online > Settings and Upload your Insurance Certificate and Contractor’s License.
After submitting your insurance certificate, contractor’s license, and saving the page you will see your status change to pending.
Why Does Roof Orders Online Require Insurance Proof and Contractors License?
Roof Orders Online allows a homeowner to place a $200 deposit for their roof replacement project with a roofing contractor. Since a dollar transaction is taking place, Instant Roofer requires proof of insurance and a contractor’s license. Also, since Instant Roofer verifies this information it will be listed to the homeowner prior to their purchase.
What If My State Doesn’t Require a Contractor’s License?
Some states do not require a contractor’s license. If your state does not require a roofing license please reach out to us via our contact form and we will process your application.
Where Does the $200 Roof Order Online Deposit Go?
When homeowners place a $200 fully refundable deposit Instant Roofer collects and keeps the money for the deposit as your lead credit.
Think of Roof Orders Online as a super-charged roof lead. Instead of you the roofing contractor paying for the lead which may or may not convert into a sale. The homeowner has already committed to the roof order and put money down.
If the terms of the Roof Order is not acceptable to you as a roofing contractor you can cancel the Roof Order for up to 30 days and the homeowner will get a refund for their deposit.
I Have a Problem With the Roof Order Online
You as a contractor always have the right to refuse a Roof Order Online. Simply login to your dashboard and go to Roof Orders Online. Click on the details of the roof order and click on reject and refund. The homeowner will be notified and their deposit will be returned. You the contractor and the homeowner have 30 days to reject and refund and Roof Order Online
What is Roof Orders Online Discount? Why Should I Use It?
Introducing discounts for Roof Orders Online incentivizes homeowners to place their orders through our platform, resulting in both time and cost savings. This strategy not only encourages homeowners to commence their roof replacement projects by offering a financial benefit but also creates a sense of urgency by emphasizing that the discount is available for a limited time. When a homeowner returns the next day their address will actually show the time has reduced encouraging them to process their order to get their discount.
You can customize your discount offering at anytime. Choose from a percentage or flat rate discount for all Roof Orders Online.
I Enabled Roof Orders But I Don’t See The Order Online Button
Orders Online Requires the homeowners address to be within your service areas specified in the dashboard. In addition, you must enable what roof materials you want to allow Roof Orders Online to work with. After your application is approved make sure to go to Roof Materials & Pricing and enable what you want to sell online.
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